It's all about savouring the details - Hotel room accessories for slow travellers

22nd Jul 2024

Slow travellers believe in taking the time to savour every moment, so the right hotel room accessories make all the difference. From luxurious linens to thoughtful amenities, today we will explore how attention to detail can elevate a journey into an unforgettable escape.

But first, let’s take a look at what slow tourism is all about, and why we feel it aligns beautifully with the Must Have Bins ethos.

What is Slow Travel and Why is it Gaining Popularity?

Slow travel is a concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years as an alternative to traditional, fast-paced tourism. It is a way of exploring and experiencing a destination at a slower pace, taking the time to truly immerse oneself in the local culture and environment. Slow travel focuses on quality over quantity, allowing travellers to savour the details of their journey rather than rushing from one attraction to another.

At its core, slow travel is about slowing down and being more mindful during your travels. This means spending more time in each location, getting to know the people and their way of life, and truly appreciating the beauty of your surroundings. Instead of trying to cram many sights and activities into a short period of time, slow travellers opt for a more relaxed itinerary that allows for unexpected detours and spontaneous moments.

hotel room accessories

Moreover, slow travel also promotes sustainability by reducing the negative impacts of mass tourism on local communities and environments. By staying longer in one place, using public transportation instead of renting cars or taking flights between destinations, eating locally sourced food, and supporting small businesses and boutique hotels instead of large chains, slow travellers are able to minimise their carbon footprint while contributing positively to the places they visit.

Slow travel is close to our hearts at Must Have Bins because it offers us a more authentic and meaningful way of exploring the world. With its focus on quality over quantity, mindfulness, sustainability, and personal growth, it allows travellers to truly savour the details of their journey and create lasting memories along the way, which is what we believe life is all about!

hotel room details to delight slow travellers

Hotel Room Ideas for Slow Travellers

When it comes to deciding on hotel room accessories that suit a slow traveller’s sensibilities, it is helpful to consider whether the pieces bestow additional comfort, convenience, and charm upon the guest experience. If so, like our list of ideas below, they will be a perfect fit.

1. Mini Library

Whether it’s a mini library in the hotel room or a more substantial collection of literature in a communal area, one delightful hotel amenity that matches the slow travel brief perfectly is a library. This charming addition not only adds character to hotels, but also helps connect guests to the local area by providing a selection of books or magazines, curated by local authors, featuring information on their likely reason of travel, or the culture and place in general. Guests find it a real treat to be able to learn more about your particular part of the world, and having easy access to this reading material will help add an extra layer of depth to their trip.

butterfly bin

2. Décor to match the location

A beautiful way to delight slow travellers is to ensure the hotel decoration matches the location. This helps guests feel wholly enveloped in their surroundings, deepening their connection to place. A quaint example are these Jane Austin bins and tissues, made for Hotel Indigo, Bath by MHBs.

beautiful eco friendly bins

3. Eco Stay

With sustainability being close to the slow travellers heart, it is key to use natural materials with a focus on minimal waste. So make sure to say no to single use plastics, and feature ecologically minded pieces. For example, using re-useable liners instead of plastic ones, waste bins with dividers for recycling, shampoos and soaps in larger bottles etc.

Eco hotel room waste accessories with liners and lids

4. Yoga mats for daily stretch

One feel-at-home accessory for hotel rooms are yoga mats. Including one will allow your guests to start their day with a rejuvenating stretch, or unwind after a long day exploring their stunning surrounds.

hotel bathroom accessories for slow travellers

5. A bath for a long soak with local fragrances

Like many, slow travellers appreciate the opportunity to relax and unwind with a bit of in-room pampering. Try to include a wide choice of products featuring the scents of the area in bathroom soaps, room scents and flowers. You could also place an aromatherapy diffuser in the room with selection of locally sourced essential oils.

bathroom bins for hotels

6. A writing desk (ideally with a window view for inspiration!)

One thing slow travel gives us the opportunity to indulge in that many of us don't get the chance to do in everyday life, is writing. Whether creating a journal of our innermost thoughts or simply making a record of our day to day experiences, writing provides us the opportunity to pause and process, and in many instances helps us to integrate the lessons we learn into our lives. In this way, writing is an activity that's much appreciated by slow travellers, and providing them with a gorgeous place to do it can elevate their experience to a whole new level. 

writing desk waste paper basket

So as you can see, hotel room accessories for slow travellers go beyond just providing comfort and convenience. They add layers of authenticity to the travel experience, allowing guests to truly immerse themselves in the local culture and savour every moment of their trip.

Bespoke Hotel Accessories

At Must Have Bins, we delight in working with our hotel clients to find bespoke solutions that enhance the guest experience while fitting with the hotel’s decor style. Over the years we have been given a wide range of design briefs and created some fabulous designs that guests want to take home with them. Be it our rattan bathroom storage range (waste paper bins with lids, tissue boxes, spa trays) or our pretty bedroom bins, handsome desktop accessories and not to forget - stunning luggage racks that are too good to hide away!

MHB works with hotels to get these details just right. Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help.